Join real, live classes streamed from our partner studios in London all the way into your living room! You will be immersed in the action! Come and take the first step, and experience the true power of live online fitness!


There’s nothing more powerful than an immersive, in-studio experience in which you feel as though you’ve been dropped right into the action! Many of our classes are taught from our live London studio, where real practitioners are attending the same class that you’ll be streaming into.

Yorebels offers a powerful combination of yoga, Pilates, meditation and fitness classes to substantially improve your health and wellbeing.

Experience a new kind of energy – one that rejuvenates you physically and mentally, leaving you confident and ready to conquer new challenges at any age. To experience the kind of health you have possibly never enjoyed – a leaner, detoxed body, healthy joints, a calmer mind, and an absolute determination.

Quite simply, we want our Livestream studio to transform your life.

Our Story
Our Story


Yorebels was born to reflect the innate drive and determination that is within each of us. Freedom of thought and action drives each of us, and sometimes all we need is to be shown the path to an entirely new way of life.

Our community is comprised of a diverse group, aged 18 to 80, coming from every walk of life.  White collar professionals, taxi drivers, teachers, and professional athletes to name a few.

Yorebels are independent thinkers. They buck the trend and pursue a path that breaks the stereotype. Strong of mind and wild at heart, Yorebels may be starting from scratch, but they know there’s something better out there, and they are determined to achieve it.


We at Yorebels know that the right catalyst can ignite an entirely new way of life. We’ve been through the journey and have set ourselves on the mission to inspire people around the world to achieve a level of fitness that allows them to achieve their dreams.

Better health and well-being through the practice of yoga, fitness & wellness, no matter your age, gender, or current ability, can completely transform the rest of your life. Start small, and pretty soon you’ll find yourself setting new goals, trying new things, and eventually experiencing the world in an entirely different way. So, get started (doing so will cost you nothing) and see where it takes you.

Together, we’ve got this.

Our Story