Agnese Mizia

Bikram Yoga

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Agnese was dragged into her first Bikram yoga class back in 2010, and she came out equally shocked and intrigued by the experience. The immediate benefits, curiosity for what seemed to be impossible postures at the time, and the sense of discipline lured her back over and over. Since then, her yoga practice has kept her grounded while moving across different countries and has helped her overcome physical and mental challenges alike.

During her years of practice, she has been lucky to meet incredible teachers who have helped her deepen her understanding of movement and body, as well as inspired her to become a teacher herself. Outside of a yoga studio, Agnese has a passion for being underwater. She loves diving and is currently trying to learn freediving. Agnese trained as a Bikram Yoga teacher in 2021, teaching both at BYL’s London studios as well as on the Yorebels platform! She is excited to share her knowledge and passion with you!

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