Bikram Yoga

Bikram Yoga

90 min
Experience Level
Calories Burned


The class is designed for ALL levels, Beginners to Advanced. During the 90-minute session work out every muscle, tendon, joint, ligament, organ and gland while systematically moving oxygenated blood to every cell of the body.

The yoga postures are normally practised in the safe environment of a heated room, increasing blood circulation, muscle relaxation and minimizing the risk of injury. While heat is not necessary to achieve all the benefits the yoga has to offer, many of our Yorebels love to crank up a space heater to warm the practice space.  Strengthen your cardiovascular system and flush toxins from the body.


The type and sequence of the stretching and compression postures ensure that the health effects are optimised, massaging all internal organs, flushing out the cardiovascular system, and stimulating the endocrine and nervous systems, thereby releasing any deficient hormones and enzymes.

The result is the improvement of health to all systems, reduction of stress, strengthening of the immune system and healing of injuries. Regularly practising Bikram Yoga can reduce many symptoms of chronic ailments and diseases, including back and joint problems, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, sleep disorders, digestive problems, tendonitis, skin conditions, and others.

Leave each class feeling energised and rejuvenated. Bikram Yoga builds strength, flexibility, balance, grace and endurance, ultimately promoting the creation of a healthy and lean body inside out. Additionally, it has positive effects on mental well-being, making you more productive, balanced and focused, which in turn results in an eventual union of the body, mind and spirit.