Almania Colombo
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Almania grew up in Italy and has danced professionally in Germany, France and the U.S., where she tried her first ever Bikram yoga class in NYC. Sporting sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt she left that class early, vowing never to return. Years later, she ventured back in, and after only two weeks, enrolled in the 30 Day Challenge, which she extended to 60 straight days.
She attended Bikram’s teacher training in 2011, and upon graduation travelled teaching and practicing. Almania entered her first yoga competition in 2013, finding that consistent preparation significantly improved her practise, and finally won the International Yoga Championship in 2016, the European Championship in 2017, and remarkably for a second time, the International Yoga Championship in 2018!
Almania credits her accomplishments in no small part due to consistency of her yoga practise and guidance from some amazing teachers, in particular BYL Senior Teacher Ky Ha who has trained a number of champions, and even more beginners!